The Namesake....  

Posted by Boxer
June 06,

Well..i m nt talking about the movie by the same name...this is about the name of OUR blog...

When Bhisaal ( read Vishal Goel aka GOEL) sent me an invite to this blog--> BiLiEx , the first thing that crossed my mind was....arre is naam ka kya significance hai ( for all those CS guys looking for PS in Amrika ;) and thus have forgotton is the line translated "What's the significance of the name ??.."

So after a lot of pondering I guessed it might be "Bi"tsian "Li"fe "Ex"periences..or BiLiEx.. but I came to know its just a temporary name :( ...

Chalo..have to go for dinner...will blog later...
and btw Gill Singh...milne ka kuchh plan hai ki nahi ????